Cancer hasn’t stopped Tuilagi’s dream for Pacific Arts

Tuilagi Seiuli Allan Alo Vaai has opened the first Samoa Performing Arts and Creative Excellence center, known as SPACE, in Samoa.

The President of the Samoa Arts Council who recently hosted the first Samoa Fashion Week in September, is also a well know dance choreographer and mentor in the Pacific.

Behind all his accomplishments, Tuilagi has been facing a battle of his own for three months now.

“Arts, that is what God gave to me, and that is what I want to give back. To have a place for our generations and people in the future to dance. I dedicate this SPACE to dance for Cancer,”he added.

“To dance for cancer is a place to rejuvenate and rehabilitate those who have been paralyzed when they’re told they have one to three months. That’s what happened to me when the doctor told me that that was the time I had,” an emotional Tuilagi said.

“I was so mad. So I called my family to come together, so we can dance for cancer. This is why we are here,” he said.

Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi has congratulated Tuilagi on his achievement, and his contribution to Samoan and Pacific Arts.

“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain,” Tuilaepa said.

“We celebrate Tuilagi’s dream. His long time dream that has finally come to life. Where we can now preserve the gifts and talents our children have,” said Tuilaepa.

“The truth is, the many new things we have seen, some that have been hidden, would never have been a part of our society, if it had not been for someone’s dream, and whoever doesn’t dream, has no purpose,” said Tuilaepa.

“That’s the foundation of the most amazing things, because someone dreamt to make something great in this life,” he added.

Tuilaepa applauded Tuillagi’s push for Pacific arts and the support for the fight against cancer, calling it a success in its own right.

SPACE is located in Fugalei, and is open to any medium of performing arts and talent in Samoa to practice, perform and seek advice from the founder himself Tuilagi Seiuli Allan Alo Vaai.

Joshua Lafoai