NUS to offer Bachelor in Media Studies

The National University of Samoa will be introducing a Bachelor Degree in Journalism.

When the new award will be available is up to Dr. Mark Hayes seconded from the Queensland University of Technology assisting the NUS Journalism Program to design the Bachelor Degree for media studies.

In announcing the award at a joint press conference, the National University of Samoa and the Journalist Association of Samoa hailed the award as a stepping stone in journalism studies in Samoa.

“We are very fortunate to have Mark Hayes to help our staff,” says NUS Vice Chancellor Leapai Fui Asofou Soo.

Dr. Hayes is a Brisbane-based Australian media and journalism educator of over 25 years experience, and before entering academe, a television current affairs researcher, reporter and producer in Australian weeknight current affairs television with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

He is a documentary researcher and script writer for 10 years.

Dr. Hayes says that the Bachelor course will include studies related to Climate Change, Environmental Degradation, major changes in International Trading and Agreement and so forth.

“This is a major development and reflects the growth of media studies which started with a Certificate Course to a Diploma Course and now moving on to a Degree Course,” complimented JAWS President Apulu Lance Polu.