Measles vaccination required for travel between American Samoa and Samoa

Passengers and crew travelling from American Samoa to Samoa will now need to follow new requirements in light of the measles outbreak in the US territory.

Travelers will be required to be vaccinated according to Samoa’s Director General of Health, Aiono Dr Alec Ekeroma.

Infants aged 6 months to 15 months will need to have received a single dose of the measles vaccination before travel.

Children aged 15 months to 24 months must have completed two doses of the vaccination.

A statement issued by Samoa’s Ministry of Health said travelers will be required to complete 14 days post vaccination prior to travel to Samoa.

Travelers must also carry a legitimate vaccination certificate and show it to authorities prior to boarding.

 Passengers may be stopped from boarding or entry may be denied if they fail to meet the new requirements.

Travelers are required to wear facial masks and undergo a PCR test upon arrival at the airport in Samoa.

American Samoa has reported an outbreak of the highly infectious measles

An emergency declaration, signed by Gov. Lemanu P.S. Mauga, is for 30 days and is set to expire Wednesday, May 24.   

The outbreak has led the Department of Education in American Samoa, which serves 12,000 students, to close all schools until Friday, May 12.


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