Samoa’s Tafaigata Prison transforms into education centre

Samoa’s former Tafaigata Prison compound has been transformed to an advanced education centre of the St Paul’s Academy.

The school academy of over 300 students is now in full throttle with classes starting from Early Childhood Education (ECE) right through to Year 8.

Vice Principal Tevaga Lemalu Pio Tevaga said the location of the school is convenient to most of their students.

“The location of St. Paul’s Academy eliminates the extra task by parents to commute all the way to town or to Vaitele Uta where the nearest schools are. Instead, families living close by, especially with those who have moved over from Sogi, have a school right next door to send their children,” Tevaga said.

St. Paul’s Academy is an initiative of the Government in response to the growing population and urban drift to five villages including Tafaigata, Falelauniu, Siusega, Nu’u and Vaitele.

With the majority of former Sogi settlers moving to Tafaigata and Falelauniu, the newly established school caters for parents and students to easily commute.

The safety of students is ensured by the high tech security system at St. Paul’s Academy, as well its own security detail overlooking the compound.