Samoa records higher rate in obesity

A high rate of adult obesity has been observed in Samoa according to a report on Food Security and food consumption.

The report releases recently observed that obesity stood at 46 percent in 2016.

According to findings of the report, the high rate of adult obesity observed in Samoa (almost 46 per cent in 2016) points to access to an amount of dietary energy, which is well above the minimum amount of dietary energy needed by the population to be in good health and to be socially active.

Furthermore, the survey results are confirmed by the high number of deaths caused by non-communicable diseases (N.C.D.s) in Samoa.

And access to enough dietary energy is not an issue in Samoa, as health problems are mainly the consequence of the quality of the dietary energy that is being consumed, rather than the quantity.

The report: “Food Security and Food Consumption in Samoa” is based on the Food consumption patterns in the Household-Income-and Expenditure Survey (H.I.E.S.) 2018. 

It was published by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (F.A.O.) and Samoa Bureau of Statistics and was officially launched last Friday.