Samoa Red Cross appeals for more hygiene kits

The Samoa Red Cross is prioritising water and sanitation needs for communities affected by Cyclone Gita.

The cyclone caused widespread flooding, water damage and power outages.

The agency's general secretary Namulauulu Tautala Mauala said hygiene kits were a priority as the cleanup continues.

She said they the Red Cross had been appealing to the business community to help with the provision of emergency hygiene supplies such as toilet paper, soap, towels, hand sanitiser, female sanitary needs and clothing.

"At this point in time, it's water and sanitation that is first on the list of deviated families from flooding and there is the cleanup specifically by families and the community work that is actually what is happening. Red Cross has already operated in providing relief supplies, the very initial needs for our people."

Namulauulu Tautala Mauala said Caritas Samoa has donated 100 hygiene kits and the Ministry of Health was given some by the UN child agency UNICEF.

She said 70 Red Cross workers were assisting with aid efforts.


Photo file. Caption: Flooding in Apia caused by Cyclone Gita