Pacific Island countries

Oxfam NZ supports calls for 'no decision' on PACER PLUS

RNZ reports the region's trade ministers are preparing to meet in Christchurch this Friday to further discuss the agreement.

Negotiations started in 2009 and are on track to wrap up later this year.

A report from the Pacific Network on Globalisation has warned that PACER-Plus poses significant threats to island nations' governments.

It said this included threats to their right to regulate, the right to food, significant negative health impacts and disproportionate impacts on women.

Wage gaps in the Pacific described as economic apartheid

The report said some Pacific Island countries had taken to calling the dual salary system 'economic apartheid', with the ratio of expat to local salaries ranging from 2:1 to 10:1 for staff with similar qualifications.

RNZI reportsĀ a coordinator for project, called Are Development Discrepancies Undermining Performance, Stuart Carr, said the disparities created significant feelings of workplace injustice.

Pacific Year of the Whale Campaign to launch in 2016

Pacific Island governments and partners came together to continue the planning and preparation of this special campaign in Apia, Samoa last week.

The three key elements for the special campaign encompass science, conservation management planning and education material to help enhance whale conservation.