Trump: 'No guarantee' on Russia relations

Mr Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin will speak on Saturday, according to the White House and Kremlin.

They are expected to discuss bilateral affairs and national security in the first call since the inauguration.

But Mr Trump said it was "very early" to talk about the sanctions imposed on the country by his predecessor.

He was asked about his plans in a joint press conference with UK Prime Minister Theresa May on her visit to Washington - the first national leader to be welcomed by the president.

Billionaire tells Mexico not to fear Trump

The world's fourth-richest person, according to Forbes, on Friday entered a standing-room-only press conference in the same building from which he runs his empire, holding a set of papers with handwritten notes and a book with several pages marked, titled: "Great Again: How to Fix our Crippled America," by Donald Trump.

With camera lights flashing, the investor sat down at a table, alongside his two sons and his son-in-law for a rare press conference, and began a pep talk that led to a wide-ranging discourse on economic development.

Beijing 'seriously concerned' after Trump questions 'one China' policy

Trump has signaled a willingness to confront Beijing, and his latest comments in an interview with Fox News suggested that he won't hesitate to anger China until the country comes to the bargaining table on trade and North Korea.

China's response was measured but clear: co-operation with the US "would be out of the question" if Trump doesn't adhere to the 'one China' policy -- a cornerstone of bilateral relations since the establishment of diplomatic ties in the 1970s.

Pacific-US tuna treaty won’t be affected by delays in signing

The administrator of the Treaty and Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency Director General James Movick said they will await the process of approval.

Movick said the most important step is initialing the agreement and he hopes Fiji might be in a position to do that.

“But I think even if Fiji is unable to initial as a separate process from the parliamentary ratification we have received no indication of dissatisfaction with the Treaty and so we just simply await the outcome of the process,” he said.

US to return WWII land to Japan

The 9,852 acres of land on the island of Okinawa, part of a territory officially referred to as the Northern Training Area, is in a large US military base complex on the Pacific island more than 960 miles (1,550 kilometers) southwest of Tokyo.

The US had turned most of Okinawa over to Japan in 1972 after controlling it from the end of World War II in 1945.

This is the largest return of US-occupied land since then.

Trump threatens to roll back US-Cuba relations

"If Cuba is unwilling to make a better deal for the Cuban people, the Cuban/American people and the U.S. as a whole, I will terminate the deal," Trump tweeted.

Trump's threat came after the death of long-time Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, whose passing on Saturday he marked with another tweet. "Fidel Castro is dead!" the president-elect wrote, before issuing a statement condemning the Cuban leader.

USA and Mexico match underway

The match kicked off at 4pm under fine weather conditions in front of a good crowd.

The North Americans, in blue and black colours, are led by captain Mallory Pugh.

USA's starting lineup includes goalkeeper Casey Murphy, forward Jessie Scarpa, midfielders Ashley Sanchez and Emily Ogle.

The Mexicans, in light green and white colours, are led by captain Nancy Antonio.

Mexico's starting lineup includes their top goal scorer Kiana Palacios, key midfielder Maria Sanchez, goalkeeper Esthefanny Barreras, midfielders Belen Cruz and Eva Gonzalez.

US and China conduct rare military drill

That kind of cooperation was on display during a joint disaster relief exercise held by the United States and China in the southwest Chinese city of Kunming last week.

Around 200 soldiers trained for several days on a variety of scenarios, a rare instance of cooperation that stands in stark contrast to the otherwise often contentious relationship between the world's two largest militaries.

USA sends Ghana home

The Americans are now undefeated, heading into the quarterfinals to be played in Port Moresby on Thursday.

It was a scoreless second half of football in front of 3,076 spectators at the Sir John Guise Stadium this afternoon.

USA midfielder Katie Cousin was awarded the player of the match after another strong performance.  

The first goal of the match was scored within 20 minutes by Ghana striker Ernestina Abambila.

The striker hit a highball from the 18 metre out, which US keeper Cassey Murphy fumbled, resulting in a shock goal.

USA tie Ghana 1-1 at half time

Ghana, who is three points behind the Group C leaders, hopes for a chance to qualify for the quarterfinals.

With the stake high, the Africans dominated the first 10 minutes of this afternoon's match at Sir John Guise Stadium in Port Moresby.

Ghana striker Jane Ayieyam caused havoc for the Americans at the left flank with her runs.

Pressure turned into points in the 20 minutes from the boot of Ernestina Abambila.

The striker hit a highball 18 metres out, resulting in a shock goal due to fumbles by the US keeper Cassey Murphy.