Samoa FAST Party Government presents transitional budget

The new Samoan government has presented the first statement on the estimates for the fiscal year 2021/22.

The budget was presented by the Minister of Finance, Afioga Mulipola Anarosa Ale Molio’o in Parliament, yesterday.

“As required under Standing Order 131, it is my great honour to present to the House the first Statement on the Estimates for the fiscal year 2021/22 on behalf of the Government – the first for the FAST Political Party. These estimates represent a transitional budget and is therefore called a “Budget for Recovery, building resilience and shared prosperity for all the people of Samoa”

The theme of the national budget is "Recovery, building resilience and shared prosperity for all the people of Samoa”.

Afioga said, “The new government’s mission is summarized as ““Our Family, Our People, Our Nation, Our Culture and Christian values is our collective responsibility.”

Afioga also said they are grateful for the support they have been receiving.

“A special word of thanks to our development partners for their assistance and kindness shown through vaccination donations and countless other assistances for Samoa and its people. A word of thanks also to our people for their support as seen through the increasing number of those who have begun and completed their vaccinations against the COVID19. Acknowledgement is also given to the private sector and public servants who continue to work tirelessly to ensure that our country remains protected from the pandemic.”

She added, “It is the belief of the new Government that this Budget will be the starting point from where a more efficient and more directed use of Government resources can be actioned to ensure social harmony and secure shared prosperity for all the people of Samoa.”