Samoa launches new Agriculture and Fisheries sector plan

A new Agriculture and Fisheries sector plan to target the increase in food security has been launched in Samoa.

The plan aims to enhance resilience and to build a sustainable agriculture.

Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries La’auli Leuatea Polataivao Fosi said the plan was a result of the increasing threats posed by climate change shocks, different Government launched Agriculture and Fisheries Sector Plan types of pests and diseases, invasive species and unsustainable farming.

"We aim to achieve this national vision for the sector through the goal to increase the sustainable contribution of the sector to food, nutrition and income security, and economic growth.”

The plan focuses on five strategic outcomes:

• Resilient and sustainable food, agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture systems enhanced.

• Food and nutritional security increased.

• Rural transformation fostered.

• Private sector capacity and export contributions improved.

• Enabling environment for the sector development strengthened.

The new project by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries is a 5-year Sector Plan.