
Complaints over Malietoa biography

Malietoa Tanumafili II was bestowed one of Samoa's four paramount chiefly titles and served as Samoa's head of state from 1962 up until he died in 2007.

For direct desendant, Papalii Iosefo Titiuatoa Malietoa Tanumafili II, he believed there had been no discussion with the entire family about the biography being done by academics.

His nephew, Malietau Malietoa, was also up in arms about it being written without the entire family's support and wrote to Victoria University to express his views.

2017 Stella Prize: Australia's best women's writing

The winner receives $50,000 — though sadly two of this year's shortlisted writers died last year.

RN's Books and Arts explains the broad range of work by the prize's six shortlisted authors.

An Isolated Incident by Emily Maguire

This novel puts an act of sexual violence at its centre. A young woman — Bella — is raped and murdered.

But An Isolated Incident is not another sensationalist account of violence against women.