Rio 2016: Police raid rooms of Irish Olympic officials in illegal ticketing scam investigation

Brazilian police have raided the hotel rooms and offices of Irish Olympic officials on the last day of the Rio Games, seizing computers, mobile phones and unused tickets in a rapidly expanding investigation into allegations of an illegal ticketing scam.

The raids in Rio follow last week's arrest of Pat Hickey, head of the Olympic Council of Ireland and member of the International Olympic Committee.

The 71-year-old is being held in a Rio prison, pending formal charges.

The Olympic Council of Ireland (OCI) said police had met some of its officials during the raids and asked them to appear at a police station for questioning on Tuesday. None of the officials were arrested, the OCI added, without naming names.

The Irish Times reported earlier that passports had been seized from three officials.

"The OCI had an allocation of unused official tickets in their offices, which had been made available for athletes' families and friends," the OCI said.

"The police also took possession of these tickets."

A police spokesman declined to comment on the raids.

More than 1,000 tickets seized from company: police

Police alleged Mr Hickey was implicated in a ticketing scam that involves Ireland's official Games ticket reseller, Dublin-based PRO10 Sports Management, and an international sports hospitality company, THG Sports.

They accused PRO10 of funnelling tickets to THG Sports, which sold them illegally at inflated prices.

A director of THG Sports, Kevin Mallon, was arrested this month in Brazil.

PRO10 and THG have denied wrongdoing. Mr Hickey's lawyer in Dublin did not respond to an email from Reuters.

Police said they seized more than 1,000 tickets from THG Sports, which is not an official ticket reseller, and a judge has ordered the arrest of four more THG executives on accusations of fraudulent ticket sales at the Olympics.

THG has said the seized tickets were being held legally on behalf of the official Irish ticket reseller, PRO10.

Police said they have also issued arrest warrants for three PRO10 executives.

Mr Hickey is expected to appear for a judge on Tuesday (local time), the IOC said on Sunday.



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