Samoa Ranked in Top 20 Honeymoon Destinations According to Pinterest

Samoa has made the top 20 most pinned honeymoon locations of 2016 by Pinterest, and is also the only country from the South Pacific to be included in the list from this well-known social network.

Pinterest is a social media network that allows users to visually share, and discover new interests by posting (known as ‘pinning’ on Pinterest) images or videos to their own or others’ boards (i.e. a collection of ‘pins,’ usually with a common theme) and browsing what other users have pinned.

Its latest findings reveal that Samoa is amongst some of the top most iconic destinations in the world.

In a report by, couples the world over are obsessed with these romantic spots.

Top 20 honeymoon destinations:
Cinque Terre, Italy
Portsmouth, New Hamphsire
Bora Bora
Amalfi Coast, Italy
St. Barls, Caribbean
Emerald Lake, Canada
Swiss Alps
Santorini, Greece
Eagle Lake, Maine
Torres Del Paine National Park
Whitsunday Islands, Australia
St. Lucia
Tulum, Mexico

The report on the top 20 list by Pinterest also stated, ‘You’ve likely already planned every detail of your wedding on Pinterest, and your honeymoon should be no different. Whether you’re looking for a classic beach destination, an active adventure or somewhere off the beaten path, here are the top 20 most-pinned honeymoon locations of the year to inspire your upcoming romantic getaway.


Photo - To Sua Ocean Trench

Beautiful Samoa: If you’re looking for a location completely off the grid, consider Samoa. If you do come, be sure to spend an afternoon at the To Sua Ocean Trench, a mesmerizing swimming hole on the island of Upolu.