Sandra Bullock teaches her son about racism

Sandra Bullock has already taught her son about racism

The world is a biased place. That's a fact Sandra Bullock isn't sugar-coating when she explains it her son, Louis. In her new cover story for Glamour, Sandra says she "absolutely" discusses racism with her son, whom she adopted in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. "It's an open conversation we have. He fully understands what that means. He doesn't understand why people judge each other based on color of their skin, but he knows they do," she says, according to Celebitchy. "He also knows there's sexism, he knows that there's homophobia. He knows a lot for a 5 and 3/4 year old, but I think if you don't start the conversation very early on you're doing them a disservice. I've said it before I can't ride in a bubble with him. I want him to know the truth but I also want him to know the good in the world as well but those are hard conversations to have."