Suspended NPO Director’s Case Adjourned, Prosecutors to Determine who will Prosecute

Justice Vaepule Vaemoa Vaai has adjourned a case against suspended National Prosecution Office Director Mauga Precious Chang after reprimanding two prosecution lawyers in court this morning.

Chang is being represented by Aumua Ming Leung Wai while the prosecution is yet to determine who will prosecute the case.

In court were Satiu Simativa Perese, an independent lawyer from New Zealand hired by the Attorney General’s Office and Brenda Heather Latu who says she has been delegated by the NPO.

The two prosecutors took up most of the time in court debating whether and who is more suitable by law to take on the task of prosecuting the case.

Justice Vaepule Vaemoa Vaai stopped the discussions midway and he made it clear to the two lawyers that the task of deciding who is more suitable to take on the case is beyond the district court’s jurisdiction and it must be administered from the Supreme Court.

“I did not anticipate this to happen today. I came here today for a hearing on a case, not to decide which act is more important than the other. So I will do the common sense thing to do and adjourn the case,” said Justice Vaepule.

“The reasons for this are, (1) the issue of who is to represent the prosecution must be determined and is referred to the Supreme Court for Monday the 19 of this month,

(2) the two charges brought to court have not been finalized and must be so by Friday 23 of this month, and

(3) the defendant is remanded at limited without plea,” he said.

Justice Vaepule has ordered that if the Supreme Court has still not ruled on a prosecution lawyer to take the case by Friday next week, the district court will do what is necessary on that day as according to common sense.

Chang has been charged with negligent driving causing injury and dangerous driving.


Photo: Independent lawyer from New Zealand, Satiu Simativa Perese (centre) hired by the AG’s Office outside court today 


Joshua Lafoai