Sweaty Facts

Did you know two types of glands produce two types of sweat?

Despite no types of sweat being desirable, your body produces more than just one type of sweat.

The eccrine glands found on the hands, feet and forehead produce sweat that’s 99% water and largely inoffensive. The apocrine glands, however – are found around the groin and armpits.

Here are some classic sweat scenarios: 

Sports: Going for a run or getting involved in any physical activity will cause muscles to work overtime and raise body temperature.

Dating: Finally, going on a date with that special someone can cause an uncontrollable case of the sweats! Wet armpits, a beady brow or sweaty palms – not desirable on your next date!

Work: A deadline or an important meeting can set off a case of the ‘stress sweats.’

Make sure you choose a deodorant that will protect and care for you such as NIVEA Invisible Clear for Women and Invisible Power for Men, both with effective 48 hour protection.