Two Southland teens travel to Samoa

Three weeks in Samoa was an eye opening experience for two Invercargill teenagers.

Hannah Simpson, 18, and Sophie Squires, 17, travelled to Samoa on July 2 as part of a New Zealand church programme, Word of Life. 

As part of the programme the pair took part in life courses and performed to audiences in schools, churches and a prison.

It was the first time the pair had ever travelled outside New Zealand. 

Hannah said although they were joined by 44 other people it was still a nerve-racking experience. 

"I am not an upfront person. It was difficult to perform in front of people."

She wasn't in it for the performances, she said.

"The best part was meeting the people afterwards. People were so friendly. They hadn't met us before and they were willing to do almost anything for you."

Sophie said It was an eye opening experience.

"We were driving along in the bus and you could see straight through the houses there."

Stray cats, dogs and pigs where on almost every street, she said.

Kids played touch rugby in the middle of the street, "I joined in once, it was great."

"Everything was more basic, but everyone was content. It was beautiful."

"The trip definitely changed me. The whole experience was challenging and scary and awesome."