VIDEO: Boko Haram victim talks of struggle to reach EU

Many of the migrants making the journey towards Europe by sea have endured difficult circumstances including sickness, violence and mistreatment along the way, forced on to the road by war and dire economic conditions.

Nigerian Mohammed Mustafa is one of them.

The 35 years-old claims he used to run a shop in the city of Kano.

After Boko Haram set his store on fire he said he was forced to run and lost contact with his wife and three children.

He said he travelled three weeks through the desert to reach Libya where instead of finding some peace he claims he found himself locked in a detention centre, alongside many other African migrants.

Mohammed claims he was beaten, days and nights, and treated badly for his skin colour.

He spent seven months in prison. He said he was constantly threatened by Libyans and asked for money.

Eventually he had no other alternative, he said, but to take to the sea and try to reach Europe.