“We have great faith in the system of Samoa”: New Zealand PM

New Zealand Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern hopes that all individuals and all political parties in Samoa are upholding the decisions of the judiciary.

Ardern made the comment during a press conference in NZ on Wednesday.

With the ongoing political crisis in the Island nation, Ardern said they trust the system in Samoa.

“We hold great faith in the system of Samoa. Their electoral system, their judiciary system, the rulings of the court and their ability to use those institutions to resolve the impasse leveraged.”

“And if you look into those institutions, they are very clearly delivered a path for Samoa.”

Ardern also said they are always keen on knowing the progress made in any Pacific island countries.

“When it comes to our relationship with Samoa, such that’s actually it is very much that I can confirm with the members of the cabinet and our ministers that yes we are very much interested in what our Pacific Island Countries do.”

“But we do have a very close relationship and it is my view that we can establish our position on their basis.”

Ardern also confirmed that she will be meeting with their Minister for Pacific Peoples.

Samoa’s election results and subsequent events such as the swearing in ceremony by FAST Party have ended up in court with both political parties taking legal action.