Floating dock to be relocated to Manono Island

The floating dock at Matautu Mariner will be relocated to service the Manono Island in Samoa.

Minister for Works, Transport and Infrastructure Olo. Fiti Vaai made the announcement in response to a request from Aiga ole Tai Member of Parliament and Deputy Speaker of the House, Auapaau Mulipola Aloitafua.

“It’s a floating dock and perfect for the tide conditions between the Manono Islands,” Olo said according to a Savali newspaper report.

Parliament is continuing is session to deliberate the first Supplementary Budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022.

Government is requesting the lawmakers to approve there first Supplementary Budget of $21.85 million tala which will be financed through $19.47 million in in additional Grants as well as $4.671 million in reshuffled existing expenditure item.


Photo file  Caption: Manono Island