Parties agree to a way forward in Auckland typhoid outbreak

The parties related to a typhoid outbreak in Auckland have agreed to a way forward that focuses on working together to support those most affected.

The message was contained in a joint statement released by members of the family and church impacted by the outbreak as well as community leaders, and senior leaders from the health sector have agreed

On Friday the parties acknowledged areas where things could have gone better, and agreed to work together.

Representatives of the Auckland Regional Public Health Service (ARPHS) met with the congregation of the Mt Albert Assembly of God on Sunday to answer questions on the outbreak, and provide information on testing and prevention.

Family spokesperson, Jerome Mika said: "I am very positive about the developments of the past few days and the plan moving forward. Many of the community’s fears have been put to rest, and there is strong commitment on both sides to work together."

ARPHS Public Health Physician, William Rainger said: "We have spoken personally with the family and church congregation and gained a deeper understanding of their concerns. I hope we have been able to reassure the community that typhoid is a very treatable disease, that this outbreak is under control, and the risk of new cases is low."

All parties ask that the privacy of the family and church community is respected while APRHS works with them to complete contract tracing and testing, and arrange any necessary treatment.

As at 9 April 2017, the number of cases of typhoid in Auckland remains unchanged for the third consecutive day. There are 18 confirmed cases, one probable case and one further case under investigation connected with this outbreak. The data reinforces ARPHS’ view the outbreak may have plateaued.