Samoa Police seize contrabands from Tanumalala Prison cells

A large number of contraband items were seized from prison cells following a search conducted by Samoa Police Service at Tanumalala Prison this week.

Amongst the items were razor blades, nails, a keyboard, a guitar, cigarette lighters and batteries.

The search was conducted following a mass breakout involving more than 30 prisoners late last month.

Police said the main objective was to eliminate threats posed by contraband within the prison cells and to minimize threats to the lives of prisoners, prison guards and everyone affiliated with the Prison facility.

‘The search was safely executed with contrabands seized from inside police cells.’

‘Alternatives were also made to ensure that prisoners have access to proper supplies of materials that can be used for their dining.’

According to Police, this was the initial move made by SPS to minimize threat levels within Tanumalala Prison and also to bring a sense of safety and protection to all who have access to this facility.


Photo supplied SPS