
Samoan court registrar to face trial in November

Victory Lesa was charged earlier this month with stealing a gun that had been seized by police at a road block in 2013.

The road block was part of a police operation when attempts were made to disrupt air travel in and out of the country by Satapuala villagers.

Mr Lesa, who was suspended from his job at the Ministry of Justice after being charged, yesterday entered a not guilty plea.

Samoa's Chief Justice Patu Tiavasu'e Falefatu Sapolu has set 5 November for the start of the      

Magiagi Primary School performance impresses US envoy to Samoa

“On our first visit here, we were so moved by the amazing kids and the wonderful principal, and the dedication to learning that we adopted the school,” said Brown.

The ambassador said it’s a privilege for him, his team and his family to be able to assist the children.

“The kids are amazing, so full of energy and love and the welcome that we get is really incredible.”

“The principal’s so dedicated that we want to do our very best to help out when we can,” he said.

Elders from Samoa's CCCS will no longer respond to tax decision

The Secretary's reaction comes after Prime Minister Tuila'epa Sa'ilele Malielegaoi attacked the church after meeting with a delegation of church elders several weeks ago.

The delegation had explained in the meeting the reasons behind the church's General Assembly unanimous decision to oppose the tax.

Reverend Vavatau says the annual conference of the church will next discuss and reconsider their decision whether or not to withdraw their opposition in May next year.

Samoa PM on attack again as church tax rebellion goes on

On July 1, a new law kicked in which requires church ministers and the head of state to pay income tax.

But pastors for the Congregational Christian Church are refusing to pay, saying their income comes from donations - and that paying tax is an affront to their faith.

Last week, Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi didn't rule out seizing the assets of noncompliant ministers.

In an interview Tuilaepa said he feels sympathy for church leaders who "spill out odd biblical views" that "expose" church elders "to public embarrassment and ridicule."

Inquest in Samoa to determine cause of death of two babies

Police said samples from the post mortem for the two infants had also been sent overseas for further medical analysis.

Meanwhile, the Samoa Medical Association has expressed grave concern over the deaths.

The Association's President, Dr Tanyamarie Petaia said, in a statement, the medical association believes that as health care providers in Samoa they have an astronomical task ahead in regaining people's confidence in the safety of the health service.

Samoa govt ban on village could be lifted

Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi met a matai delegation from the village council, who offered an apology and urged that government reconsider the ban.

The government measures included banning the village rugby team from taking part in any district or national rugby tournaments and disqualified villagers from the Recognised Seasonal Employers Scheme in New Zealand.

Talamua Online reported that more than 15 village chiefs from Luatuanu'u led by the MP Fonotoe Pierre Lauofo met with the Prime Minister last week and asked for forgiveness.

Samoa babies who died after vaccine to be returned to families

The childrens' deaths soon after receiving the common MMR vaccine prompted the government to temporarily call off vaccination programmes.

Lemalu Herman Retzlaff says post-mortems have been conducted, and a forensic pathology team from Australia is helping to establish why they died.

A separate police investigation is continuing.

Meanwhile, the health ministry has taken issue with some local and media speculation, saying it risks undermining the national immunisation programme.


Don't rush to judge on Samoa infant deaths - specialist

The babies died last Friday after receiving the MMR vaccination for measles, mumps and rubella at Savaii's Safotu hospital.

Middlemore Hospital intensive care specialist David Galler, has worked in Samoa and told Morning Report it's important people don't rush to judgement.

"I think our hearts go out to all those families, but also to the community in Samoa who will have great fear now about the risks of vaccination and that will also stir the fires of the anti-vaccination campaigns in other places, and I'm in particular, our own country, New Zealand," he said.

Despite controversy, Keil to continue as Samoa police chief

However, Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi, who is also the police minister, says Fuiavailili Egon Keil made it by an inch of his index finger.

Tuilaepa says Fuiavailili, who is originally from the United States, was chosen ahead of three other applicants for a post he's held for the past three years.

Those three years have been marred by controversy -- not least his arrest on dozens of charges of gun possession, intimidation and an attempt to procure, incite and counsel murder.

Samoan matai guilty of underage sex

TV1 Samoa said the man who is an influential leader of the village, lives in New Zealand and was visiting Samoa when the incident happened.

Police told the court the accused was under the influence of alcohol at the time.

The man, who is yet to be named, will be sentenced on the 8th of August.