Air New Zealand flights

Four Air New Zealand flights scheduled to fly from Samoa to NZ

These are commercial flights and seats will be available for purchase online, via the Air New Zealand website, or from the Air New Zealand Travel Centre, in Apia.

Passengers who wish to travel to New Zealand and who meet New Zealand’s immigration and entry requirements, including Australians in Samoa who can meet the transit window requirements for a connecting flight to Australia, are advised to contact Air New Zealand directly to discuss/make bookings.


Air NZ cancels 82 international flights over Christmas period due to engines

The national carrier says maintenance requirements has forced it to cancel some 82 flights, affecting 14,000 customers travelling between 10 December and 5 January.

Most of the cancelled flights were between Christchurch and Perth, as well as Auckland and Sydney, with limited disruption between Auckland and Tonga.

The airline said it would begin processing changes to customer bookings this week and then contact affected passengers.