Maiava Iulai Toma

Samoa seeks transparency and rights protector

The Samoa Observer newspaper reported the incumbent, Maiava Iulai Toma, who is one of the longest serving public servants, has been away for most of the year undergoing medical attention in New Zealand.

Deputy Ombudsman, Maualaivao Pepe Seiuli, has been acting in the role.

Maiava's previous positions included being Secretary to the Samoan Government, CEO of the Department of Prime Minister, Commissioner for Samoa to the South Pacific Commission, Samoa's Permanent Representative to the UN, and Ambassador to the US and High Commissioner to Canada.

Samoa's Ombudsman voices opposition to divisive bills

Samoa Observer reports Maiava, who is also the head of the National Human Rights Institution in Samoa (NHRI), made his views known in a submission to the Parliamentary Select Committee sitting to review the Bills tabled last month.

"NHRI Samoa does not support drastic amendment of the Constitution. It does not consider this necessary to remedy the problems experienced in the past," said the submission.

"NHRI Samoa suggests instead, Parliamentary consideration of legislation under Article 11(2) of the Constitution."