
Mastercard severs links with pornography site Pornhub

A New York Times investigation accused the site of being "infested" with child-abuse and rape-related videos.

Pornhub, which has denied the claims, called Mastercard's actions "exceptionally disappointing".

Fellow payments giant Visa has suspended use of its cards on the site pending the outcome of its own review.

Mastercard launched its inquiry after Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Nicholas Kristof named it in his New York Times article, saying he "didn't see why search engines, banks or credit-card companies" should "bolster" Pornhub.

Credit card with a fingerprint sensor revealed by Mastercard

The rollout follows two successful trials in South Africa.

The technology works in the same way as it does with mobile phone payments: users must have their finger over the sensor when making a purchase.

Security experts have said that while using fingerprints is not foolproof, it is a "sensible" use of biometric technology.


'Nine changes'