
Commonwealth welcomes clarity to the political situation in Samoa

Speaking on the situation, the Secretary-General said: 

“I welcome the ruling of the Samoan Court of Appeal and call on all parties to respect this ruling from the highest court of the Independent State of Samoa. The Commonwealth is underpinned by the values and principles of respect for the rule of law, and as a valued member of the Commonwealth, Samoa has always been committed to these values. 

Commonwealth urges respect for the rule of law in Samoa

Speaking on the situation, the Secretary-General said, “The Commonwealth is a community that is underpinned by shared values and principles, including democracy, respect for the rule of law and the separation of powers. As a member of the Commonwealth, Samoa has not only committed to these tenets but has also been a champion of these very values and principles in the past. The current state of affairs in Samoa has therefore deeply saddened me.”

Commonwealth health ministers demand equal access to COVID-19 vaccines for the world

In the statement on behalf of the 54 Commonwealth member countries, they expressed deep concern over the stark gaps in access and delivery of doses, especially in poor countries, and called for “fair and transparent” pricing for the vaccine.

Only 0.3 per cent of the life-saving vaccine doses have been administered in 29 poor countries. About 84 per cent of shots have been given in high and upper-middle-income countries.

Samoa PM welcomes Commonwealth focus on vulnerable islands

Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi was speaking from London at the closing of the CHOGM conference on Friday.

All 53 member countries have affirmed their commitment to the most ambitious UN Paris Agreement target of limiting the increase of global temperatures to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial times.

Members also committed to protecting oceans and marine environments from threats such as climate change, pollution and over fishing.

Tuilaepa welcomed the renewed interest in the Commonwealth's values and principles.

Commonwealth Heads of Government adopt marine conservation charter

The Blue Charter maps out efforts to protect oceans and marine environments throughout the Commonwealth, from threats such as climate change, pollution and over fishing.

Vanuatu and Fiji have been nominated by the United Kingdom as countries to champion the Blue Charter's cause in their region.

Representatives of the two Pacific countries spoke about the Charter at a press conference on the sidelines of this week's Commonwealth summit in London.

Commonwealth Pacific reps gather in Samoa to talk electoral democracy

Up for discussion are the various challenges in delivering credible, inclusive and transparent elections.

The Commonwealth Secretariat said participants will also discuss issues relating to institutional independence, women's participation, voter education and election observation.

Secretary-General Patricia Scotland said democracy is a fundamental value of the Commonwealth.

She said electoral commissions are the custodians of elections that play an essential role in protecting the rights of voters.

Commonwealth citizens can now apply to join British Army

The British Army has welcomed soldiers from Commonwealth countries for many years; however, under previous rules, people could only join if they had lived in the UK for five years.

Commonwealth nationals will now be able to apply for positions including Medical Technician, Logistic Supply Specialist, Chef, Vehicle Mechanic, Metalsmith and Gunner Logistics Specialist.

Samoa to host Commonwealth Women Affairs Ministerial Meeting

There will also be a number of side meetings during this time.

They include the Commonwealth Gender Plan of Action for Gender Equality 2005 – 2015 Monitoring Group; Senior Officials Meeting and
Partners Forum.

The Government of Samoa and the Commonwealth Secretariat will partner in coordinating the meeting.

Commonwealth urges Pacific to engage youth

Commonwealth youth ministers are meeting in Samoa next week to discuss the issues and challenges facing the region's youth.

The programme manager Sushil Ram says at 60 percent, the Pacific has the highest youth population of any commonwealth region and engaging young people in development is simply common sense.